*Pre-Requisite Course
Self-Awareness: To truly understand others, I believe we must first start by understanding ourselves. Self-awareness can be described as: A conscious knowledge of one's own character, feelings, motives, and desires. In this course we will dig into questions such as: What is it really? How does it help us? How do we build it? What hinders it? We will develop greater self-knowledge by discovering more of ourselves.
*Pre-requisite Required
Empathy: The human experience is wildly varied and yet holds many similarities. Many thoughts, feelings and circumstances we’ve encountered has been thought, felt, or experienced before, (and will be again!) Empathy can be defined as: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another. In this course, we will study and apply practices to deepen our ability to empathize, connect and communicate with others.
*Pre-requisite Required
System Consciousness: Our world is full of complexities, made up of various groups of people with different lifestyles, values, belief systems and shared experiences. We will learn how to identify social constructs, and how to take our understanding of the individual (common behavioral patterns, motivators, etc.) and apply that to a larger group to help us navigate more consciously as a global society.